Our experts at El Paso Resumes get a wealth of questions about LinkedIn. We always advice job seekers that are conducting an active search to use this platform wisely. All too often many don’t realize the boost that networking can have on the job search. If you are in the middle of a job search and want to take it to the next level, we have some tips for you. Find out how to use networking to boost the outcome of your efforts.
The Vital Step to Marketing Your El Paso Resume
First of all, although we are based in El Paso, we help clients from all over the U.S. The majority of our clients are looking for both private and federal jobs in El Paso, but we have expertise in the job market in general.
With that said, it is important to understand how vital networking is to your job search. As you climb the ranks and earn promotions in your career this becomes even more important. All too often most jobs are not even posted online. This is especially true for CEO and other executive level roles that come with a high level of confidentiality. There are other reasons for the lack of job postings as well. Most often times, companies prefer to receive personal reference for job applicants from their employees. They may spread the word through the office or even put out an email. Some companies may even offer an incentive for recommending someone that works out well.
The main reason job postings are kept internal is the sheer amount of time it takes to hire a viable candidate only to have them leave a few months later. Worst yet is getting stuck with an employee that didn’t turn out to be a good fit.
How to Network Wisely
So how do you carry out this vital step of networking? First of all, you can start using LinkedIn. While this network is undervalued by many, you can be sure than many of your colleagues are on it. It is a good place to reach out to others and let them know you are actively job hunting. This will help in the case that any of them catch word that their bosses are hiring. You can also reach out to past coworkers and strategically request recommendations.
The following is a sample message you can send out.
Hey there Phillip,
It’s great to see that you are still going strong at Record Solutions Marketing. I enjoyed the time we worked on the social media campaign for Janis Davis’s Law Office. I was looking back at my notes and was remembering that we increased their online viewership by 60 percent. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing me a recommendation based on the work we did together. I have even hired a resume writer to help me perfect my job search and I could pull them in to put together your recommendation, as well. Let me know what you think!
Taking the Next Steps
We always advocate for making a plan before you jump out into a job search. This rings true for networking as well. Make a list of who you want to reach out. Set goals for how many recommendations you can garner on LinkedIn. Perhaps keep a weekly list of actionable steps.
Hire an El Paso Resume Writer
If you feel nervous about sending out these messages or don’t know where to start, you can indeed hire a writer to help you. Our resume writers provide a variety of LinkedIn services to help you with your job search strategies. We have insider tips and knowledge to help you see results and land an interview. We know all too well that conducting a good job search requires more than just a great resume.