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Leaning on Freelancing

Updated: May 22, 2020

Because we’re all staying put to avoid catching or spreading the coronavirus, there are millions that have lost their jobs and others that have had their hours cut back. Some of us are having to lean on freelancing and other remote work. Nonetheless, just imagine the number of people desperately applying on freelance job boards. It’s imperative that you understand how to conduct your job search during these times and that your application materials stand out from the other hundreds of thousands.

Generate A Professional Resume

Invest some time and money in writing a first-class, professional resume. Remote jobs don’t operate as do traditional jobs, which is why you can’t use the same resume you would use for a traditional job. In fact, every single resume should be tailored to that specific job you’re applying for. Your best bet is to work with a professional resume writer to keep it relevant to the job you want and use the specific keywords your resume needs for you to score an interview, especially now in the digital age. Conjointly, it’s critical that you have an online presence, such as a LinkedIn profile or a personal website in which the same professional resume writer can assist you with, as well. Additionally, they can also serve as a career coach and offer guidance for when you get an interview. In El Paso Professional Resumes, we understand that we have to be in self-quarantine for the time being so we can virtually meet with you.

Build Your Website

At some point you’re going to want your own steady stream of recurring clients rather than having to rely on job boards for income. Having said that, it’s preferable to have your website ready for potential clients to be able to view your work for it to be that extra push for them to hire you. In most cases when applying to gigs on online job boards they will ask to see your past work and this is where your website comes into play. Once you’ve established a relationship with them it will also open the door for them to spread the word about your work with their colleagues and get you more projects. Word of mouth is the best referral and you will be able to achieve that as you build your network.You don’t have to be a developer to build your own website. It’s as easy as using website builders! For a small monthly fee, there are websites that already have templates for you to use that have beautiful aesthetic and easy functionality. Some website builders that we recommend are Squarespace, Weebly, and Wix. We all have more time on our hands being in self-quarantine to work on something like this that will benefit us in the long-run.

Freelance Job Boards

Different sites focus on different job industries so first think about the remote work you would most likely be best at achieving. Once you find the niche you want to work in you can research about the best freelance job boards for that niche. If you’re not sure what website applies to your specific job industry try some of these website for general freelance jobs:

These are just five of many freelance job boards that can help get your name out there and establish your reputation. As a freelancer it’s difficult to establish yourself as a reliable worker which leads us to our next point.

Build Your Reputation

In order to succeed in the remote work field you have to start embracing self-promotion. We already touched base on building your website which is essential. However, if you aren’t able to get a website, or if for some reason your website can’t include all your work, PDFs can work as supplements. You can create a set of different promotional material and targeted PDFS for the specific niche you’re applying to. Once you go through the online job boards you’ll be able to get an idea of what the prospective client needs and if he or she has any specific questions and inquiries so that you can edit your PDFs exactly for that. If you want it to be a one-page website you can try websites such as Cardd or One Page Love. Variously, if you want to attach the PDF to your application or an email you’re sending out you can use design templates on easy-to-use websites such as Canva. The example below is from another website, Webflow, that has templates already made for you to use:

On top of everything else, once you land that job you want, you should always offer excellent customer service. This will help you build great rapport with your clients which, at some point, will become your lifeblood. Don’t forget to enjoy the process and document all the projects as you go. This will be an essential part of building your portfolio to gain more remote work opportunities. If you’re looking for the full support, guidance, and know-how to score that freelance or remote gig, contact us today.

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